Lisa M Kirk
Artist and Facilitator

 Pure Process ~The Art of Creativity

Fall Online Session 2024
















Creativity requires
the courage to let go.
   ~ Eric Fromm

Fall Pure Process Painting Online:
Archetypes as a Road Map

 Archetypes have always been the engine of the human unconscious,
but you could live your whole life and not know that.
Archetypal patterns are like a door into a hidden realm,
a parallel reality.
Discovering this parallel reality in which archetypes reside
and learning about your particular archetypes
is a way of meeting yourself,
perhaps for the first time.
  ~ Caroline Myss
* Painting created by a Pure Painting participant 
The collective unconscious consists of the sum
of the instincts and their correlates, the archetypes.
Just as everybody possesses instincts,
so he also possesses a stock of archetypal images.
 ~ Carl Jung  
Pure Painting ~ The Archetypes as a Road Map
Wed AM,  Sept 25th- Nov 27th, 9:30 am-12:30 pm PST  
Thurs PM, Sept 26-Nov 28th, 6:30-9:30pm PST 

Fall feels like the time to settle in and return to the roots of who we are.  In this ten week session, we will explore the patterns and architecture of our archetypes thorough the creative process. Each archetype holds a key, unlocking doors to our personal power and each one holds clues to our lives and personal relationships. 

Archetypes can be useful guides when we are able to consciously tap into their intuitive knowledge and vision. In this session, we will begin to unearth a rich roadmap paved with symbols, words and images connected to these archetypes, helping us to navigate life with a greater perspective.  The images created can act as powerful allies to anchor and connect you to the intuitive knowledge within, especially when you find yourself challenged or caught in old patterns that no longer work.

You will be guided through an interwoven process of discovery combining inquiry, writing, group sharing and painting, all done within a small safe group. Working together in a group provides a wisdom and clarity for what we may be traversing in our lives. Together we we all share the human experience and yet have our unique and individual differences. Within the group process, we discover we are not alone with these experiences. Here we can build trust, strength and courage to make changes we might need.  Here, we can support each other through the ebb and flow of life, celebrating our growth and honouring the hard things. No previous art experience is necessary, however the commitment to show up for yourself and the group and to be open to sharing withing the group process is paramount.  

You are far more than your personality,
more than your habits, more than your achievements.
You are an intimately complex human being with stories
and myths and dreams--and ambitions of cosmic proportions.
Don't waste time underestimating yourself.
Dream big...
use the energy of your archetype to express the true reason
you were born.
Life was never meant to be safe.
It was meant to be lived right to the end. 
~ Caroline Myss

I am honoured to be your "Creativity Doula", bringing over 20 years of experience guiding people through the various stages of the Creative Process. When working through things together in the Creative Process, it gives us courage to address issues in our life process.  It also helps to carry us through the challenges and celebrations of life, teaching us what we most need to know. 

The Creative Process echoes Life Process. There is great wisdom held in this process if we are willing to enter it, be open and listen. I have certainly learned through my breast cancer journey that life is never a straight path, and neither is the Creative Process. However, it is a powerful tool to utilize in life that can help navigate and support you.

Come join us for a safe journey with kind and compassionate travelers.  No fancy art supplies needed, just your open heart and commitment to show up and be willing to share in the group process.   


This Session Includes: 

  • A 3 hour ZOOM class each week for 10 weeks for each class- Wed AM Or Thurs Pm, whichever you are registered in.  
  • Each ZOOM class consists of a sharing process, inquiry and writing process, painting time and sharing and reflection after the painting process.
  • The ZOOM will be recorded for future reference unless the class decides as a group otherwise. 
  • Private Facebook  (FB) Space created just for this session and shared by both Wed and Thurs classes to further share your creative processes and paintings and connect outside of class time.
  • I will be available for feedback and guidance in the FB space during the week at my discretion.
  • Each class is no more than seven participants (I make eight) so there is lots of personalized attention.
  • FB space will open on Sun Sept 22 and continue until Thurs Dec 5. 
What you need: 
  • Access to high speed internet service and social media and a computer or device in which you connect for the ZOOM classes and FB space.
  • Please check to make sure whatever device you are using (phone, computer, or other device) is compatible with the minimum requirements needed to connect to ZOOM. That information can be found here: ZOOM  
  • A webcam. the one you have on your computer or phone should be adequate. 
  • A pair of headphones or speakers-- again what is built into your computer or phone should work fine but you may choose headphones if you live with others and want privacy. 
  • A microphone- this should be already build into your computer or phone. 
  • You will also need to carve out some kind of space in which to create in--it can be as simple as a kitchen table or, if you have more room, a spare room designated as a studio/creative space where you will not be interrupted through the duration of the class.

Payment & Registration Details~

  • If providing your own supplies-- $480- (includes GST) for the ten weeks
  • Can be paid in FULL with  e-transfer, cheques or cash
  • OR can be paid monthly -$192-/month ( on Sept 15 and Oct 15)  and $96- (Nov 15)  by post dated cheques or pre-arranged e-transfer.
  • The supplies do not need to be expensive or fancy; simple and not precious is best for these classes. (i.e. tempera paint, oil or chalk pastels, felt pens, crayons, or any combination that you are called to use.)
  • If LOCAL and require supplies- $552.50 CAD (includes GST) for the ten weeks
  • Supplies (tempera paint & paper) to be picked up at my studio at a prearranged time.
  • Can be paid in FULL with  e-transfer, cheques or cash. 
  • OR can be paid monthly (if supplies included) -$221-/month ( on Sept 15 and Oct 15)  and $110.50 (Nov 15) by post dated cheques or pre-arranged e-transfer.


* Painting created by a Pure Painting participant 
Archetypes are the psychic lenses
through which we view ourselves
and the world around us.
  ~ Caroline Myss



A Little Bit More for the Curious:

  • Through a combination of sharing, inquiry, writing, painting and refection you are guided to express and explore your inner landscapes in a safe and supportive environment. 
  • Here there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities.
  • We put aside judgment, surrender to outcomes, and begin to trust the flow of the creative process and how it echoes our life.
  • Step into the creative flow and discover the colours, shapes and textures that make up your own rich inner language.
  • We laugh a lot, sometimes cry and share our life journeys, inspiring each other in the process.
  •  All levels of experience are most welcome. 
  •  Class size is no more than seven ( and I make eight).


* Painting created by a Pure Painting participant 

Wholeness is not achieved by
cutting off a portion of one's being,
but by integration of the contraries.
   ~ Carl Jung

*Please Note*

  • If you are new to the class, payment is required 10 days ahead of time. 
  • If you register, cancellations must be 7 days before class starts for a full refund.
  • If you cancel within 7 days of the start of class, there is a $50- administration fee for full session classes
  • After the start of the class there is no refund.
  • If you miss a class, there is no refund. 


There is a sacred and transformative energy

that is generated when a small group gathers

to create. When cultivated, this energy supports,

heals and guides one forward in their life.

   ~ Lisa M Kirk

* Painting created by a Pure Painting participant 

Archetypal patterns hold the key to the real you.
They somehow know more about you than you know about yourself.
By identifying and exploring your own archetypal patterns,
you come to understand your true self.
  ~ Caroline Myss


Online Pure Process Art Classes:

Spirit Cards & The Magic of the Word Box 

On Line Sessions--Reach out to be added to the Wait List 2024















What is “Pure Process Art” you ask?

It is the willingness to be open to the creative spirit that moves in all of us.  

It is trusting the innate knowledge that resides inside of us and giving it permission to come through us in our creations.

Pure Process is accessing the deeper, mysterious and hidden places within our soul that have no words. 

It is an approach to teaching art that is accepting, open, and supportive of each person’s pilgrimage to their own creative essence.

It is allowing feelings, memories, and the greater universal connection  to be expressed through the media of art.

Pure Process is about listening through your eyes and heart to the messages your art may have for you, allowing your art to "speak" to you with colour, shape, texture and energy.

Everyone was born with a creative spirit and everyone expresses this creativity in diverse ways.

However, sometimes we feel the doorway to our creative spirit has become stuck, locked, or is only open a crack.

Pure Process can guide you to fling open the doorways to your creative spirit. This can overflow into your everyday life and you will find yourself feeling, thinking and doing things differently.

Take the leap into the palette of your intuition….and take a class...


Do you have one or two-three friends or family you would like to do a session with? Then this might be the perfect option for you. There is no experience necessary for this session, only the desire to be open to process.  These have been very popular with those looking for a fun, playful time with a few friends.  It is also a great way to explore another way to communicate with others through the painting process.  2- 3 people, 3 hrs, $250-.

The world of reality

has its limits;

 the world of imagination

is boundless.

~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

One-on-One: Available via ZOOM

For those wanting to work with their images on a deeper level, a one-on-one  with Lisa is a great option. No experience is necessary for this process, only the willingness to be open. Using a process called "active dialoguing", you will access the underlying messages that your paintings hold for you. This is a powerful process that can further changes in your outer and inner life.  $200- for 2 hrs.  A set of three sessions $550-. Contact Lisa for availability at



Create a Class: Available as a ZOOM offering

Do you have a group of people you would like to create with? Lisa will work with you to "create a class" that fits the needs of your group. Throw an "Art Party" for yourself or your chikd and leave the set-up, clean up and planning to her! This could also be a corporate or office creativity day; build team spirit and strengthen relationships witha playful, creative approach. Or gather a group of friends together to create. Call Lisa to brainstorm.


Gift Certificates:

Give the gift of creativity to a friend or loved one. Gift certificates can be created for any amount and used for any class. Gift certificates can also be put towards purchasing a piece of Lisa's art. Call Lisa and she will create a gift card for you.


About the Facilitator:

Lisa is an artist and art teacher whose passion is to explore and open with others the creative possibilities within. She has been doing this successfully since 1999 through designing and teaching her Pure Process Art classes. Her teaching has developed from her own personal painting process, her ongoing study of process based art work and all she has learned from her many inspiring students. Lisa teaches both children and adults in her own studio as well as for the Comox Valley School District and NIDES. She also ran a weekly art program at Eureka Clubhouse for adults with persistent mental illness 10yrs. She has done team building and professional development workshops for teachers, mental health care workers and day care providers.In 2006, Lisa was nominated Mentor of the Year for the Arts and Culture Awards. Lisa has her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from UBC.

For more information or to pre-register

please email




1986 Cumberland Rd

Courtenay, BC,

 V9N 2E9